Wonsan Secret Operation 1976 (South Korea)


Wonsan Secret Operation 1976 (South Korea), also known as Wonsangongjag , is South Korea drama premiere on Aug 20, 1976


Drama: Wonsan Secret Operation 1976 (South Korea)
Romaji: Wonsangongjag ,
South Korean: 원산공작
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 1
Release Date: Aug 20, 1976
Duration: 1 hr. 55 min.
Genres: War

Plot Synopsis by DramaWiki Staff ©

In the middle of the withdrawal operation in Wonsan in 1950, the United Nation Headquarters is informed of a secret message that a strange disease, which seems a plague, is killing dozens of patients even a day at a hospital in Wonsan. Intelligence officials are shocked and dismayed by this message. To get the facts, a special force is organized for this secret mission. The force comprises a Korean Naval officer, American intelligence officer, and a handful of specially trained special forces troops. They successfully execute their mission with the local anti-Communist guerrilla forces' support and find that the unknown disease is not a plague. Consequently, the United Nations Command decides not to withdraw its fighting forces from the Korean peninsula.
