Death by hanging 1968 (Japan)


Death by hanging 1968 (Japan), also known as Kôshikei, Koshikei is Japan drama premiere on 1968


Drama: Death by hanging 1968 (Japan)
Romaji: Kôshikei, Koshikei
Japanese: 絞死刑
Country: Japan
Episodes: 1
Release Date: 1968
Duration: 58 min.
Genres: Psychological

Plot Synopsis by DramaWiki Staff ©

Japanese film directed by Nagisa Oshima, starring Do-yun Yu. It was acclaimed for its innovative Brechtian techniques and complex treatments of guilt and consciousness, justice, and the persecution of ethnic Koreans in Japan.

A Korean man is sentenced to death by hanging, but he survives the execution. For the following two hours, his executioners try to work out how to handle the situation in this black farce.
