Abrakadabra 1994 (Philippines)


Abrakadabra 1994 (Philippines), also known as Abracadabra is Philippines drama premiere on 1994


Drama: Abrakadabra 1994 (Philippines)
Romaji: Abracadabra
Native Title: Abrakadabra
Country: Philippines
Episodes: 1
Release Date: 1994

Plot Synopsis by DramaWiki Staff ©

Allading with his sidekicks Baste and Jojit were hired to work for an antique shop owned by the Monteros. One day, Mr Montero brought a hundred year old antique jar from a wrecked ship. While Allading was making the wooden case, the jar was accidentally broken. Two genies were freed from the jar and soon created chaos around the shop blaming everything to Allading. (Source: IMDb)


